Title Motivacija i nagrađivanje zaposlenika u prodaji
Title (english) Motivationa and compensation of sales employees
Author Danijel Jelinek
Mentor Višnja Bartolović (mentor)
Committee member Milan Stanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Bartolović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivona Blažević (član povjerenstva)
Granter College of Slavonski Brod (Social Department) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2020-05-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Ovaj završni rad bavi se motivacijom i nagrađivanjem zaposlenika u prodaji. Sama
prodaja mijenjala se tijekom vremena i imala različita shvaćanja ljudi pa tako i mnoštvo definicija.
Jedna od definicija označava prodaju kao međuljudski komunikacijski proces u kojem prodavač
otkriva i zadovoljava potrebe kupca s ciljem ostvarenja uzajamnih dugoročnih koristi za obje
strane. Kako bi se te koristi za obje strane ostvarile, potrebno je ustanoviti na koji način motivirati
i nagraditi zaposlenika u prodaji da bi on uložio maskimalan napor u ostvarivanju toga cilja
pomoću adekvatne kompenzacije za rad, odnosno nagrade. Najčešće se kompenzacije smatraju
kao nagrade koje za rad u svom poduzeću dobivaju zaposlenici, a one mogu biti izražene u novcu,
robi, bonovima, karticama potrošaća te drugim raznim oblicima nematerijalne i materijalne
pomoći. Analizirajući dostupne radove kolega s istom ili sličnom tematikom, ustanovilo se kako
motivacija i nagrade za rad različito djeluju na zaposlenike u prodaji. Dok neke motiviraju visina
plaće i bonusi, druge motivira sigurnost zadržavanja posla i dobri odnosi s nadređenim. Sve
navedeno još ovisi o raznim čimbenicima kao što su dob, spol, staž, stručna sprema, osobni
doživljaj zaposlenika, sektor poslovanja, razne društvene i gospodarske prilike. Obzirom da se
prodaja, kao i tržište, konstantno mijenja, menadžeri u prodaji i njihova poduzeća trebaju težiti
pronalasku najefikasnijih rješenja za motivaciju i nagrađivanje zaposlenika, a sve s ciljem
ostvarenja što većeg profita poduzeća.
Abstract (english) The subject of this thesis is motivation and compensation of sales employees. The sales
itself underwent numerous changes during the cause of time, it had different understanding of
people thus it had numerous definitions as well. One of the definitions refers to sales as an
interpersonal communication process sin which the seller detects and meets the needs of the
customer in order to achieve mutual long-term benefits for both parties. In order for these benefits to be mutually accomplished it is necessary to establish how to motivate and compensate the sales
employee, through adequate work compensation i.e. reward, in order that he or she invests
maximal effort in achieving of that goal. Most commonly compensations are considered as rewards
that employees receive for their work in the company. The compensation can be in a form of
money, goods, vouchers, consumer cards as well as in other forms of intangible and tangible
Analysing available thesis of fellow colleagues with the same or similar topic, it was found that
motivation and compensation for work have different effect on sales employees. While some are
motivated by salary and bonuses, others are motivated by job security and good relations with their
superiors. All afore mentioned also depends on additional factors such as age, gender ,work
experience, level of education, personal experience of employees, business sector as well as
various social and economic circumstances. Given that sales as well as market changes
continuously, sales managers and their companies should strive to find the most effective solutions
for motivation and compensation of employees thus aiming to maximise the profit of the company.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:174:612590
Study programme Title: Professional graduate study program in Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-07-01 12:40:50